Noëlla Morantin's Fresh chai & Basement
Published at Fri, 13 Oct 2017 12:59:51 +0000
This was just a minute before, Noëlla and staff unload the boxes (her friend Katrina on the right). She lost much of her possible harvest this season with the frost of late april (many growers of this area were badly hit), she made possibly yields of about 10 hectoliters/hectare in 2017, much less that normal. Mikaël Bouges (an organic grower of the area) was the first to offer her the access to his own grapes if she desired, and these Sauvignon grapes come from his vineyard that didn’t suffer as much. He has a entire vineyard surface of 11 or 10 hectares and he farms organic, including biodynamic preps. Last year he had all his parcels very little or hit by frost but not this year.
Faverolles-sur-cher near which the parcel sits isn’t far away, it’s on the other side of the river several kilometers further east, and she uses for convenience a rented truck to bring the boxes back to the chai on harvest times.
After the sauvignon was successfully loaded to the media and Noëlla came back in the car rental
>where she returned the truck, she opened a bottle of her pet-nat 2016 (Marie Rose) and filled glasses for everybody, sitting on benches under the porch roof on a gentle late-summer afternoon and enjoying the end of a good workday. Lucie (center, turning back), Brian’s wife, joined with her baby, she also worked for Noëlla and will return in her team (looks like she knows lots of things from the trade).
On the left you can see Katrina, a longtime friend of hers who came to help for the harvest, they understood each other when Noëlla was a pupil in Nantes back in 1994, lots of shared memories…
We got a visitor, Bruno Allion who lives almost next door (possibly a couple hundreds meters away) passed with his bike (which is nearly as cute as his vintage Citroën 2CV) on the primary street, recognized my motorbike parked there and dropped in to say hello. He didn’t stay, even for a glass, he had something to do but that has been nice to see him, Bruno has always a funny word, they’ll all make a nice group in Thésée (even if he’s formally retiring in the trade, I’m convinced he’ll be a precious help, starting with the biodynamic preparations).
Noella on her vintage “tracteur vigneron“
And I didn’t show you the whole basement, it’s full of gems including a small kitchen dug into the rock with a opening on the primary tunnel, she will turn it in a lab but will also able to accomodate professional visitors with decent food I guess because it’ll keep a part of its kitchen standing. In another corner while going through a passage I stumbled upon a fireplace (which you can see here in the back), its chimney going all the way through the hill (should have an Exceptional draft); While this brick fireplace does not seem that old, there was certainly an older fire method begore, back in the old days they were very smart, they could possibly cook terrines or bread and warm up the basement when the yeast were slowing down…
More openings and doors
The bottle-pallets storage space
The clandestine bar of ThéséeNoëlla Morantin24 bis rue NationaleThésée 41140noellamorantin [at] gmail [dot] comphone +33 6 63 26 83 17
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